European Film Centre Camerimage in Torun

The concept of the European Film Centre Camerimage is a vision of an inspiring space to experience and search for new shots of the surrounding reality. Space for integration, exchange; sharing reflections, observations, creativity. The space animates a rich cultural and recreational program for a wide audience of local and supra-local communities. In this way, it is intended to provide a worthy setting for the realization of the important functions and mission of the Film Art Festival as a platform for creative exchange, dialogue, exploration and inspiration. A concept was created in search of a form that most fully cooperates and expresses the value of presence in the planned location of the European Film Centre Camerimage. La visione presentata a oferece un concepto attivo, sostenibile di sviluppo di spazio sulla scelta tra la fabric medieval del città e la substantia post-guerra, integrata con un parco di boulevard verde all'interno della centro città di Toruń. La balanza desiderata tra continuità storica — continuazione e la construczione di nuovi perspektivi e visualizzazione della realtà all'all'all'all'interno è inspirando nuovi, creativi, critica e boldere visioni di futuro. The layout of the building grows out of the fabric of the medieval city. Het komeert een netwerk van multifunctionele plaats en plein verbinding naar de parken van de westen en nord. It forms a presentable, urban interior in the central part of the plot — integrating the rich program of the entire film center complex with the surrounding cultural objects. The spatial layout continues and reinforces the existing network of multi-layered connections — panoramic openings, urban accents and dominants. A forma de la zona adjacente (desde la norte y oeste) es a a — una entrada (porta) a la parte mais antiga del ciudad. In the views from the south and east, it blends harmoniously and non-invasively into the perspectives of medieval streets and viewing openings. It is intended to appear as a contemporary, elegant form mediating between medieval tissue and the 20th century, post-war structure of free-standing solids scattered in the green landscape. The proposed dimensions correspond to the dimensions (heights) of buildings in the immediate vicinity. A. Through a series of multi-level indoor and outdoor spaces, terraces and viewports, the ECFC complex offers attractive, far and near perspectives, frames and shots of the surroundings.



public space


public building


European Film Centre Camerimage








concept design



Szczepan Wronski, Andrzej Bulanda, Michał Czerwinski, Michał Sokolowski, Anna Majewska-Karolak, Zuzanna Rosińska

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