
Wspaniałe wieści! I Nagroda w Konkursie realizacyjnym na budynek kulturalno- naukowo- dydaktyczny Akademii Muzycznej im. I.J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu jest nasza. Dziękujemy jury i SARP Poznań oraz gratulujemy całemu zespołowi WXCA: Szczepan Wroński, Marta Sękulska-Wrońska, Michał Lipiec, Maciej Wewiór, Jakub Hlebowicz, Jakub Matela, Małgorzata Bonowicz, Maja Przewoźnik, Aneta Szwejk, Jakub Kołomański, Maciej Sachse, Oliwia Pakuszewska, a także Pracowni Akustycznej Piotr Kozłowski, ARUP, Piotrowi Banakowi


Great news! We have started the next stage of our development and we are proud to announce the opening of the WXCA office in the Tri-City. This is our next location in Poland. Carrying the baggage of previous experiences, we catch the wind in our sails and face new challenges. The Gdańsk headquarters is located in a historic tenement house, where we left the most valuable elements of architecture, and now we bring new energy. See you at Politechnika 2A street!


The Museum of Polish History has been awarded in the category “Icon” by the daily Rzeczpospolita! “Not only is it a new reference point on the left side of the Vistula, rising above the walls of the citadel, but also — along with other new buildings — it restores this area to the inhabitants of the capital. For a long time a symbol of the oppression of the Russian occupier, then a military site, today it is an open park - in the literal sense, and soon a cultural park,” the organizers enumerate. Thank you for appreciating our design work!


The building of the Polish History Museum was included in the list of The World's Most Beautiful Museums 2024 announced by the Prix Versailles (Versailles Prize)! As the jury of the renowned architectural award writes in the justification: “The mission of the museum was subtly engraved on the walls of the stone monolith of the Museum of Polish History. The concept of the WXCA studio was to cover the facade with slabs of marble arranged in horizontal bands, which emphasize the layered structure of the stone and the differentiation of individual compositions through changes in tonality and texture”. As the jurors add, thanks to reliefs symbolically referring to motifs from the architectural tradition, visitors can “read the mission of the museum on its facade”. A total of 7 magnificent museum objects from around the world were awarded in the list. Next to the Museum of Polish History are the A4 Art Museum (Chengdu, China), the Great Egyptian Museum (Giza, Egypt), the Smritivan Earthquake Museum (Bhuj, India), the Simose Art Museum (Hiroshima, Japan), the Paleis Het Loo (Apeldoorn, The Netherlands) and the Oman Through the Ages Museum (Manah, Oman).


The objects of the Museum of Polish History and the Museum of the Polish Army at the Warsaw Citadel were once again appreciated! The museum complex was included in the final of the prestigious Polityka Architectural Award. Thank you and once again congratulate the winners! photo: Teodor Klepczyński/Polityka


It was a wonderful evening! It is especially important for us, because the Polish History Museum designed by us, nominated for the Architectural Policy Award, was also the venue for the ceremony of presenting one of the most prestigious Polish architectural awards in Poland! After the ceremony, we had the opportunity to show the invited guests around the museum complex at the Citadel and get closer to the scenes of many years of work on the implementation. We thank and congratulate all the laureates. photo: Teodor Klepczyński/POLITYKA


It's official! The Polish Army Museum received the Award of the President of the City of Warsaw in the category “Architecture of Public Utility”. The implementation was appreciated for “the simplicity of the idea, the consistency of the project and the very high quality of execution. Attention is drawn to concrete ornaments, copper strings or the color scheme itself. The interiors are well laid out and facilitate orientation in space.” Congratulations and thank the entire WXCA team, thanks to which the project was not created: Szczepan Wroński, Marta Sękulska-Wrońska, Paweł Grodzicki, Krzysztof Budzisz, Paweł Wolanin, Krystian Tomczyk, Katarzyna Billik, Ewelina Szeląg, Anna Dobek, Kajetan Szostok, Małgorzata Gilarska, Michał Grabowski, Barbara Plonczyńska, Marcin Jurusik, Marcin Bieńka, Adrianna Nowak, Małgorzata Dembowska, Andrzej Bulanda.


Museums belonging to the complex at the Warsaw Citadel have once again been nominated, this time for the POLITYKA Architectural Award! The project was appreciated, among other things, for the fact that “... it is an architecture that is friendly to people and provides not only the comfort of visiting, but also the conditions for pleasant recreation in the surrounding museums of the park.” Piotr Sarzyński writes in the article POLITYKA. Thank you for this distinction and congratulations to the other nominees!