Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy contains detailed information about the processing of personal data that WXCA collects when you visit our website.

  1. Administrators of your personal data
  2. For what purposes are your personal data processed?

    Your data may be used to detect bots and abuse as well as statistical measurements and improve the Administrator's services.
  3. What is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data?

    Your data will be processed on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the controller). The legitimate interest of the Administrator is to adapt the content of the Administrator's services, e.g. websites or applications to your needs, to ensure the security of these services, as well as their continuous improvement and to consider complaints of the Administrator's products.
  4. Requirement to provide data

    Providing personal data by you is voluntary, but necessary in order to ensure the high quality of the Administrator's services by, among others, matching the content of the Administrator's websites to your interests, detecting bots and abuses in the Administrator's services, statistical measurements and improving the Administrator's services. Failure to collect your personal data for these purposes may prevent the correct provision of services.

    Your personal data will only be processed for the time necessary to achieve the purpose of processing or until you revoke your consent. The Administrator reserves the right to process data for the period necessary to achieve its own analytical and statistical purposes. The period of data processing may be extended if the processing is necessary for the establishment and exercise of possible claims or defense against them, and after that time only if and to the extent required by law.

    You have the right to access the content of your personal data, the right to rectify, delete them, as well as the right to limit their processing, 2 the right to object to the processing of your personal data, as well as the right to transfer this data.

    You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if, in your opinion, the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of the EU GDPR Regulation.

    The administrator does not make automated decision-making, including profiling based on the data provided by you.
  5. To which recipients will your personal data be transferred?

    Your data may be transferred to entities processing personal data on behalf of the Administrator, including IT service providers, marketing agencies — whereby such entities process data on the basis of an agreement with the Administrator and only in accordance with the Administrator's instructions.
  6. Information about “cookies”
    1. Your web browser may store text files. cookies”) on the disk of your computer. The “cookies” contain information necessary for the proper functioning of the Website, in particular those requiring authorization.
    2. The Administrator's services store cookies on users' computers in order to:
      • maintaining a user session (after logging in), thanks to which the user is not allowed to enter usernames and passwords on each page;
      • provision of certain content and functions of the Service
      • better matching of the Services to the needs of users;
      • Create viewership statistics for our content partners and advertisers;
      • the presentation of online advertisements with content most similar to the user's interests;
      • create online surveys and protect them from multiple votes by the same people.
    3. Due to the lifetime of cookies and other similar technologies, we use two main types of these files:

      session files - temporary files stored in the user's terminal device until logging out, leaving the website and application or disabling the software (web browser); 3 permanent - stored in the user's end device for the time specified in the parameters of cookies or until they are deleted by the user.

      permanent - stored in the user's terminal device for the time specified in the parameters of cookies or until they are deleted by the user.
    4. Due to the purpose for which cookies and other similar technologies serve, we use the following types of cookies:

      • necessary for the operation of services and applications - enabling the use of our services, e.g. authentication cookies used for services requiring authentication;
      • files used to ensure security, e.g. used to detect authentication fraud
      • performance - allowing you to collect information about how you use websites and applications;
      • functional - allowing to “remember” the settings selected by the User and personalize the User interface, e.g. in the scope of the selected language or region from which the User comes, font size, appearance of the website and application, etc.;
      • Advertising - enabling us to provide Users with advertising content more tailored to their interests; we use such cookies and scripts only with your explicit consent;
      • statistical - used to count statistics on websites and applications.
    5. It is possible to configure your web browser in such a way that the possibility of storing cookies on your computer's hard drive will be completely disabled. Remember that the effect of such a change may be the loss of the ability to use some functions of the Administrator's Services
    6. Additional information about cookies and other technologies can be found, among others, at everything about cookies or in the Help section of the web browser menu.
  7. Other information

    The Administrator's Services may use so-called social plugins for social media such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest. Using the functionalities provided by these plugins, you can recommend particular content or share it on a given Social Service. Remember that by using these plugins, you exchange data between you and the social network in question. The administrator does not process this data nor does he have any knowledge of what data is being collected. Therefore, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions and privacy policies of the owners of these social networks before using the respective plugin.