Academy of Music in Cracow

The concept of the building was created in search of a form that most fully harmonizes and expresses the value of the existence of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in the planned location. The presented vision is to offer an attractive, sustainable concept of space development on the border of contemporary urban development, historic areas, historical and military forms and the space of the Grzegórzecki park integrated with the green, boulevard corridor of the Vistula.

The architecture of the building expresses the spirit of contemporary musical culture open to experiment, improvisation, innovative, bold — setting world trends. The proposed building is an attempt to answer the search for the identity of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow and to express it through architecture. Its form is represented by boldness, openness, transparency, organicity and modernity. The new establishment, together with the concert center existing in its heart, is presented here as a contemporary, modern institution of culture and education - a place of meetings, exchanges, sharing of experience, as well as creative processing and exploration of reality through art. The presence of the expressive silhouette of the building in the panorama of the city seen from the river gives it a new supranational quality, taking a bold voice among the cultural institutions of Krakow.

The desired balance between historical continuity - continuation and construction of new perspectives and shots of the surrounding reality is to inspire new, creative, critical and bold visions of the future.



transformation and heritage


public building


Karków Academy of Music









concept design


3rd Prize in the architectural and urban planning competition for the concept of a new complex of teaching buildings of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow


Szczepan Wronski, Michał Czerwiński, Andrzej Bulanda, Anna Dobek-Lenczewska, Anna Majewska-Karolak, Michał Lipiec, Jerzy Marasek, Julia Palęga, Małgorzata Bonowicz, Jakub Matela, Michał Sokolowski, Julia Shvets

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